Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Barbara Lyons Open Letter

Barbara Lyons and Wisconsin Right to Life have been criticized recently by some calling themselves pro-life.

Some of the attacks stem from a debate Lyons participated in on Wisconsin Public Radio.

Today, Lyons responds to the attacks with an open letter:

Barbara Lyons Comments on Personal Attacks Against Her and Wisconsin Right to Life


Organizations, bloggers and email commentators who say they are pro-life have recently attacked Wisconsin Right to Life and me, personally, for comments made on Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) on May 25, 2011 while debating a representative of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) on a statewide program.

As everyone knows, Planned Parenthood is an abortion giant both nationally and here in Wisconsin. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) receives hundreds of millions of federal and state taxpayer dollars each year. PPWI receives millions.

That is why Wisconsin Right to Life has been at the forefront of defunding Planned Parenthood at both the national and state levels. In fact, Wisconsin Right to Life is the organization most responsible for the recent partial defunding of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin in the recently signed Wisconsin state budget. On behalf of Wisconsin Right to Life, I have had numerous op ed pieces exposing Planned Parenthood published in newspapers all over the state.

So, why would I and Wisconsin Right to Life be under attack from people who are supposed to be on our side? During the course of the WPR program, Planned Parenthood tried to “sell” the idea that PPWI is a health care provider and women would suffer if PPWI doesn’t receive your taxpayer dollars. I goaded PPWI relentlessly to expose their real agenda which is abortion. I repeatedly said that if PPWI would give up performing abortions, they would be able to provide health care without controversy. The goal was to inform the audience that PPWI can choose between health care and abortion, which it will never do. Interestingly, on a recent Mike Huckabee national television show, Lila Rose of Live Action pretty much said the same thing I did to goad and expose Planned Parenthood.

Now, those organizations, bloggers and email commentators who say they are pro-life are sending out emails and blogs claiming that Wisconsin Right to Life and I are “soft” on Planned Parenthood, using the WPR debate to “prove” their claim. How disturbing that a pro-life person debating the real enemy, Planned Parenthood, is subjected to a “gotcha” mentality from people and organizations who are supposed to be on the same side.

Right-to-life people are tired of ambushes and criticism within our own ranks as they demean the great cause for which many in Wisconsin Right to Life have devoted their lives. It is my sincere hope and prayer that this open letter will cause these internal attacks to cease. Thank you for listening.

While I think it's always important for groups and individuals to hold organizations accountable, give feedback, and share concerns, the notion that WRTL is soft on Planned Parenthood is silly.

It's extremely unfortunate that WRTL finds it necessary to expend energy responding to attacks from people claiming to be pro-life proponents.

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