Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ABC Disses Founding Fathers

ABC News doesn't want you to have too much respect for the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

What a message for ABC to choose to send on the Fourth of July weekend, as we celebrate the nation's birth!

I guess the crew at ABC isn't comfortable with paying tribute to our forebearers.

Video from This Week, via Breitbart:

Transcript, from NewsBusters:
DOUGLAS BRINKLEY, HISTORIAN: It's a very slippery slope to start cherry-picking your favorite golden oldie from the Founding Fathers and slapping it on to political speeches today. Democrats and Republicans quote from the Founding Fathers, but we shouldn't act like they were somehow omnipotent.

JOHN DONVAN, ABC: The reality is that the framers - posed in paintings as though frozen on an American Olympus - they were not gods, they were guys - guys who didn't give women the vote and let slavery stand for the time being and who, by the way, were trying to create at the time a stronger central government, of course not too strong, leaving to us a Constitution that we could fix, as needed, - sorry, make that amend - which we've now done 27 times.

BRINKLEY: When you look at the founding documents of our country, they are elastic, they’re meant to be pulled and bent in different directions as each era dictates.

Amended 27 times!

Wow, that Constitution was a piece of crap!

Good grief, ABC.

The Founding Fathers, just "guys," set the groundwork for the greatest nation in history.

Of course, they were creatures of their time, not "frozen on an American Olympus." They lived as we all do, within the historical limits of our lives.

And they weren't gods. The Founding Fathers were very aware of their place in relation to their Creator - God.

They established safeguards to prevent the individual from being subjected to an oppressive, massive central government, while at the same time fully understanding that a UNION needed some framework. They certainly didn't set out to crush citizens under the weight of a heavy central government.

These "guys" were wise enough to understand that their young country was not frozen and the future held unknowns. Thus, they acknowledged change and put in place an orderly process to amend the Constitution.

However, that does not eliminate or diminish the timeless fundamental principles of freedom, life and liberty, that serve as the cornerstones of America.

That group of "guys" formed a "more perfect union," not a perfect one.

Although imperfect, they accomplished greatness.

The generations that followed did as well.

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