Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weiner Photo

UPDATE, June 12, 2011: TMZ posts a new gallery of DEMOCRAT Weiner photos.

Anthony Weiner at the House Members' Gym


UPDATE, June 8, 2011: Gawker posts the DEMOCRAT Weiner photo.

UPDATE, June 6, 2011: More DEMOCRAT Weiner photos here.

UPDATE, June 6, 2011: DEMOCRAT Weiner says with certitude the photo is of his crotch.
Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York said today he has engaged in "several inappropriate" electronic relationships with six women over three years, and that he publicly lied about a photo of himself sent over Twitter to a college student in Seattle over a week ago.

"I take full responsibility for my actions," Weiner said. "The picture was of me, and I sent it."

DEMOCRAT Weiner is a liar.

He addressed the media repeatedly about the photo and he lied repeatedly.

Because of the cover-up and the lies, I think DEMOCRAT Weiner should resign immediately.


Anthony Weiner is a DEMOCRAT.

The liberal media don't say that enough.

Anthony Weiner is a DEMOCRAT.

His fellow DEMOCRATS are "seething" over the infamous Weiner photo, albeit quietly.

This Associated Press headline describes the DEMOCRATS' reaction:

"Silence, vagueness from Democrats on Weiner photo"



From AP:

Publicly silent, fellow Democrats privately seethed Thursday over the distraction and furor surrounding the lewd photo sent from Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account, even as he declared he was finished talking about it and wanted to move on.

Weiner's one-day, pun-laden media blitz a day earlier had only raised more questions about the embarrassing flap when he conceded he wasn't sure whether the waist-down photo of a man's bulging underpants was of him or not. His refusal to involve law enforcement because he said as a member of Congress he shouldn't get special treatment — instead turning the issue over to a private security company he hired — raised rather and answered questions.

...Though generally mum in public, Democrats privately fumed at the forced detour in their arguments about Medicare and spending, leaving the generally well-liked seven-term congressman from Brooklyn and Queens largely to fend for himself for a third day in a row. Most Republicans seemed content to let the controversy simmer.

A scene on the House floor Wednesday afternoon seemed to highlight the situation. As newly elected New York Rep. Kathy Hochul was sworn in — after an upset, special-election victory Democrats considered a sign of their ability to communicate their differences with Republicans on the future of Medicare — Weiner and the No. 2 House Democrat, Steny Hoyer were locked in a nearly 10 minute, animated conversation.

On Thursday, Weiner joined Democratic lawmakers at the White House where the caucus met with President Barack Obama. As they walked from buses on Pennsylvania Ave. Weiner's colleagues stonewalled when they were asked about their colleague.

"I will have nothing to say about that," said fellow New Yorker, Rep. Louise Slaughter. "I'm here to put people to work."

"We're not distracted by that," said Rep. Rob Andrews, D-N.J.

The House's top Democrat, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, earlier told ABC News that she was "a late-comer to the issue" — one that cable TV and the Capitol press corps have been fixated on for most of the week.

Still, Pelosi added, "I have confidence in Anthony Weiner that if an investigation is in order that will take place."

The scandal is not just going to go away.


A law enforcement investigation is in order. If a crime has been committed, as Weiner insists, it needs to be investigated.

The only reason there shouldn't be a law enforcement investigation would be if Weiner knows what would be discovered - that he's lying.

Whatever the truth may be, Weiner has shamed himself and the Democrat party by the way he has handled the matter.

"Can't say with certitude."

What a joke!

In this story linked by Drudge, "Weiner’s Office Calls Police After CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer Asks For An Interview," I found this comment by Jack Ford to clarify what's really going on here:

On The Early Show Thursday, CBS news legal analyst Jack Ford, said the congressman may have a good reason for not involving authorities.

“It’s not against the law to lie to the media. It’s not against the law to lie to constituents. It is against the law to lie to law enforcement,” said Ford. “So if I’m a lawyer on a case like this, I’m going to be real careful before I let my client talk to law enforcement.”

The fact is Weiner has made a fool of himself. He's painted himself into a corner. He's imploding.

There's no graceful way for him to manage the scandal at this point. There's no way out.

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