Saturday, June 4, 2011

Christopher Branski

I know I shouldn't be shocked by the foul-mouthed, hate-filled attacks by liberals against conservatives.

Spend a little time on the Internet and you can't miss the Left's ugliness. However, much of that is spewed under the assumption of anonymity.

When someone sends a vicious e-mail to an elected official and the individual has no qualms about having his name attached to it and his identity known, I do find it rather shocking.

Christopher M. Branski, a student at Madison Area Technical College, sent State Senator Alberta Darling an absolutely horrible e-mail.

Charlie Sykes shares the message:


From: Christopher M Branski []
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 12:35 PM
To: Sen.Darling
Subject: You are Revolting
Importance: High

Soon to be ex-Senator Darling:

Last night when you decided to cut the state EITC credits to working poor families in order to provide no-strings-attached tax breaks to corporations you showed your true colors: you're not on our side and you have no heart.

Instead of cajoling you to change your mind, I'm just going to tell you what you are: you're a useless f**king c*nt that has no redeeming value. There are not enough words to describe how much I hate you and the rest of the f**king scum in the Wisconsin GOP. You're parasites and you contribute nothing. Enjoy getting recalled you useless f**king dried up c*nt.

Christopher Branski


Branski is truly scary.

He's doing more than attacking Sen. Darling. He's attacking women.

NOW should come to Sen. Darling's defense. The organization would condemn Branski if it were true to its alleged mission rather than serving as a political front group.

Democrats and other self-proclaimed feminists would express their outrage over Branski's e-mail and his inexcusable treatment of Sen. Darling.

But they don't.

Be proud, Leftists. Branski is your brother. Embrace him.



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